Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Facebook fan page.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Favorite Christmas Poem/Invocation
- Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
- The flying cloud, the frosty light;
- The year is dying in the night;
- Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
- Ring out the old, ring in the new,
- Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
- The year is going, let him go;
- Ring out the false, ring in the true.
- Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
- For those that here we see no more,
- Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
- Ring in redress to all mankind.
- Ring out a slowly dying cause,
- And ancient forms of party strife;
- Ring in the nobler modes of life,
- With sweeter manners, purer laws.
- Ring out the want, the care, the sin,
- The faithless coldness of the times;
- Ring out, ring out thy mournful rhymes,
- But ring the fuller minstrel in.
- Ring out false pride in place and blood,
- The civic slander and the spite;
- Ring in the love of truth and right,
- Ring in the common love of good.
- Ring out old shapes of foul disease,
- Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
- Ring out the thousand wars of old,
- Ring in the thousand years of peace.
- Ring in the valiant man and free,
- The larger heart, the kindlier hand;
- Ring out the darkness of the land,
- Ring in the Christ that is to be.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Silence of Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

As many of you that read the Sorcerers Secrets know, my friend Matt Brownlee and I have been working on a project involving 7 new planetary sigils that capture the "force in motion" of each planet. Three of these, the only three that were done at the time, appeared in the book and have been the subject of much interest.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Yule to all.
Now is the solstice of the year,
winter is the glad song that you hear.
Seven maids move in seven time.
Have the lads up ready in a line.
Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.
Join together beneath the mistletoe.
by the holy oak whereon it grows.
Seven druids dance in seven time.
Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.
Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.
Praise be to the distant sister sun,
joyful as the silver planets run.
Seven maids move in seven time.
Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.
Ring out those bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.
Ring on, ring out.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Degrees and expectations
In his recent post, Frater R.O. made a post over here about degrees and whether people are actually attaining them or not. He points to two different links. The first is to a video by some crazy guy who is accusing the OTO of not producing any exempt adepts in 30 years, a term which is meaningless in the OTO as it is a AA degree, and is not what the OTO is about anyway. Still, I get the point. The second link is to a great post over at Here Be Dragons, which basically states that people are achieving the high degrees that many have always thought were extremely elite and rare or even unattainable by mortals. RO agrees in his post and suggests that the problem comes from false expectations of what those degrees mean.
It is true that people expect spiritually adept people (fill in terminology as fits your order or religion here) to have qualities that meet their expectations. R.O. gives the example of the K&C of HGA and how many treated this as a nearly unattainable thing and the entire goal in magic. The reality of course is that far from the goal of magic, it is a preliminary to doing serious magic in systems that recognize such a thing. In the AA system it would be attained at the level of Adeptus Minor. In the Chthonic Auranian Temple it is the work of those in the Lovers grade.
This type of projection occurs even more often, in the east, where the expectation is that the teacher be dead from the waist down and have no interest in "material matters" of sex or money for themselves. Strangely they are also expected to have access to perfect wisdom on such matters for others, even though they may have no experience at all. I can't tell you how many Monks get asked for advice on business and marriage - two things that, respectfully, they don't know jack about. In the case of non monastic Lamas and Guru's there are always gasps of shock and horror should they approach someone with romantic or sexual proposals.
There can also be magical expectations that out of line. Sometimes if you manage to do something for someone that they don't understand, like a very effective healing or spell, they cannot understand why you cannot cure their 85 year old Mothers cancer or save the job that they are getting fired from because of gross incompetence. Being able to do one thing magically, translates into the ability to anything with magic. Having any kind of spiritual realization at all, translates into being Jesus or Buddha.
On the other hand, there is a difference between tasting a certain level of realization and being able to stabilize it and integrate it into your living levels. If your degree that you claim has any value than it should reflect somewhere in your life. When someone who behaves with no compassion or seemingly any understanding tells me that they are a high adept I politely blow them off, because clearly that term means something to them that is different than what it means to me. If someone brags about what a powerful sorcerer they are, yet still lives in their parents' house and complains about not being able to get a date, I pretty well blow them off. If you can't kick your heroin addiction, I really don't want to hear about how you are a Master of the Temple and the Buddha Matreya.
I am not suggesting that magicians or spiritual masters need to be rich and flawless BTW. Many a great spiritual master lives below the poverty line and I know several successful magicians that really hve no interest in great wealth. The key is, are you living in accordance with your will or are you whining about how the world is always crapping on you?
There are different layers to any level of realization: faith (Pistis), direct knowledge (Gnosis), and being (Theosis). For instance we all have heard that ice is really water, thus we have faith in this. Those that have seen ice melt into water, and water freeze into ice have direct knowledge. Those that can melt ice at will or freeze water at will have being. Another example is knowing that Germany exists. Traveling to Germany for a visit. And finally moving there and getting citizenship.
In the case of the two most spoken about attainments of western magick I would break it up like the following.
In the case of the HGA, you have faith that such a thing is possible. You attain the knowlege and coveresation. Finally you integrate or unite with your angel. The Adeptus Minor has faith and sets out questing for the K&C of the HGA. The Adeptus Major has attained the K&C and sets out to do battle with the Qlippothic forces as would a knight or spiritual warrior as the Cicero's would say. The Adeptus Exemptus, begins to unite with his angel and thus retires from battle to prepare for the next stage acting as a king or "master Magician".
In the case of the Abyss, again you have faith that such a state exists. In the Golden Dawn this state and its grades are thought to be attainable only after death. In the AA they are thought to be attainable in the here and now. Still, the idea of the grade exists. Most of those claiming degrees like master of the Temple have only achieved the second stage: Gnosis. They have direct knowledge of the state. They have experienced it and left it behind upon returning below the abyss. In my opinion, the real work is to integrate that gnosis into your living levels of being. Otherwise you are just a day tripper.
In all these conversations about high states of being, I have used inexact metaphors. I just don't have any better ones at my disposal. For me, I have pretty much sworn off the idea of claiming grades and such. The times that I have sat in Rigpa, been in union with my angel, or basked in the uncreated light are still far outnumbered by the times that I have lost my patience in traffic, made a cruel comment to my wife, or ate something that I did'nt even really want just out of habit.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I wasnt gonna comment on this but...
Have you seen Lon DuQuette's new Holiday Song?
Really? You didn't manage to work sentiments like that out in your 20's?
While I have always disagreed with his "Goetic Demons are part of the brain" shtick, I considered him one of the moderate and tolerant voices in Thelema. I was apparently wrong.
Lon, your writing is still excellent and clear, and I have to admit that your Guitar playing is top notch, but I am so terribly disappointed in you. I know there are others who feel the same, but they aren't coming forward because of your popularity and because by all accounts are a very nice guy.
Why do Thelemites so often feel the need to piss in other peoples cups to make their own water taste sweeter? For that matter, don't you think that Christianity had just a little bit to do with Dee and the origin of Enochian Magic, that thing that you just write a book about?
Seriously. I hate the goddamn war on Christmas crap when it comes from the right wing nutz, but I hate it even more when it comes from the left who should know better. When sentiments this sophmoric come from someone of Lon's age and experience, its just terribly disappointing.
As if the world would be better if Crowleyanity was the dominant religion. It probably wouldn't even be here at all.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Garchen Rinpoche in Philadelphia
Philadelphia January 8-10
I am very excited to share that H.E.Garchen Rinpoche will be making his
first visit to Philadelphia next month!
Garchen Rinpoche is a renowned Tibetan Buddhist Master from the Drikung
Kagyu Lineage. He was born 72 years ago in Eastern Tibet and was
recognized as the incarnation of a heart disciple of Jigden Sumgon who
was previously Nargajuna’s disciple. Rinpoche was about to finish a
traditional 3 year retreat when he was imprisoned for 20 years during
the Cultural Revolution. Yet like Milarepa, Garchen Rinpoche was able
to realize the Dharma while facing obstacles. In prison he studied under
a Great Dzogchen Master and was a respected teacher upon his release.
Rinpoche now teaches Dharma around the world, touching students with his
bright love.
Milarepa is a famous 11th century yogi who transformed from a blackmagic
to an enlightened saint within one lifetime of diligent practice. His
songs and life were recorded by his disciples and have inspired
practitioners for centuries.
The teachings will be offered free of charge, the suggested donation is
$40 per session or $150 for the entire weekend. Funds raised will help
support Rinpoche’s schools in Eastern Tibet, providing literacy, food,
clothing and water to Rinpoche’s homeland.
Please contact Margaret Ferringo to register for the teachings and to
sign up for lunch. or 267.241.7606
The schedule is below:
Free Public Talk: Cultivating a Clear Mind and an Open Heart
Rinpoche will talk about how to practice Bodhicitta in everyday life.
Vajra Songs of Realization: Teachings from the Great Yogi Milarepa Rinpoche will bestow a Milarepa Empowerment
12pm-2pm lunch break. Vegetarian lunch will be available for $10/person.
2pm-5pm Rinpoche will teach from the 100,000 songs of MIlarepa, explaining different levels of meditation and realization.
12pm-2pm lunch break. Vegetarian lunch will be available for $10/person.
1-2pm Presentation and Slideshow about Rinpoche’s Humanitarian projects
2pm-5pm Continuation of the 100,000 songs of Milarepa.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The 7th Seal has been rendered.
Friday, December 4, 2009
This week at Mystical Tymes in New Hope
Thought Sorcery
"The Ancestor of every action is a thought" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
In previous classes I have taught magick that uses herbs, and words, and energies, and all sorts of arcane tricks and methods. But underlying all of these is the power of thought. In my meditation classes I teach how thoughts can be so powerful that they enslave our minds in cycles of acceptance and rejection of trivial things. But it is also this same power that makes though t your most powerful ally for changing your life, and the lives of those around you.
In this class I will teach the secrets of magic that relies upon thought alone. Though seemingly simple, this may be one of the most important classes I have ever taught at Mystical tymes, and one that everyoce can take full advantage of regardless of experience. Apart from the secrets of thought management, i will also teach the pitfalls of certain types of thinking, and the dangers of some of the systems of "New Thought" such as is presented in books like "The Secret"
This class teaches the secrets, that make the secret actually work.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Nybor Tarot Images
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Nybor Tarot
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Clavis Inferi
I got my copy of the Clavis Inferi today.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Come see me at Wicked Faire
ASK A SORCERER, With Jason Miller. You can call in to a show and get the advice of doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, homemakers, pick up artists and just about anything else you can think of. Why not a Sorcerer!
Click here for more details on the faire
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Web Course
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Comment Deleted
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Correction on Patricia Crowther
Real Phony's
"Shes a phony, but shes a real phony."
Sunday, November 15, 2009
This weeks lesson
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Halfway through the Secret ...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tomorrow in New Hope.
Mystical Tymes
127 South Main Street New Hope, PA 18938
(215) 862-5629
November 10th 2009
7:00 pm – 9:00pmThere are more methods of energy healing than Reiki. In this class you will learn healing methods drawn from Jason's studies of Buddhism, Taoism, as well as western Elemental and Angelic Magic. Learn to channel different types of healing energies and how to apply them to patients either in person or at a distance. Beyond just merely healing disease, this type of healing can go a long way towards healing the spiritual being and even the outer circumstances of a patient.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Secret
After a couple years now of people blathering about the secret like it is the worst (or occasionally the best) possible thing on earth I am finally going to read it. I just picked up a hardcover for $6 at the used book shop in Doylestown PA.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Religion is not about belief
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Course Begins
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Regarding Recent Interviews
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thelema Now Podcast
Saturday, October 24, 2009
One More Week to get in on the ground floor of the Course
Friday, October 23, 2009
Modern Goetic Grimoire - A Review
Often you expect something to be really good and it winds up sucking eggs. Sometimes you expect something to suck and it turns out better than expected. Occasionally you expect something to be really good and it actually meets those expectations. Rarely though, you expect something to be good and it completely beats the crap out of those expectations with a tire iron, leaving "good" in the dust and arriving at "Great".
I am happy to report that Frater Rufus Opus’s new Opus, The Modern Goetic Grimoire, is one of those rare times when great expectations were met and exceeded.
What I expected was basically what he delivered in the Modern Angelic Grimoire; a clear and concise guide to the classic ritual presented in the Grimoire, but given a modern spin and detailed info on how to pull off all the “arts and crafts” aspects of it. What I got was so much more.
The good Frater goes into deep territory here. Far from just a text about the part of the Lemegeton that is called Goetia, this book covers the art of Goety itself: not just demons, but spirits of the dead and spirits of place. He covers the essentials of the Lemegetons ritual, stresses the importance of the circle, and need for initiation, and than actually gives several techniques for using the spirits in magic, not just conjuring as per the evocation but using the seals in spells and exorcisms.
I think that the best part is that he re-drew everything for the book in his own hand, and rather than just re-post the descriptions of the spirits as given in the Grimoire, he summarizes them in his own words and shares his own insights and experiences. This kind of material is the stuff that makes a huge difference to the practicing mage.
If you have considered using the Goetia, are just curious, you need to make like Aaron Burr and drop a Hamilton over to Frater R.O. for this book.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Please keep your damn dieties out of my Tarot cards!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Real Magic Gets Wacky.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Interview with Marla Brooks
I will be interviewed by Marla Brooks on her show Stirring the Cauldron
October 15, 2009
9:00 pm EASTERN
Show website:
Monday, October 12, 2009
Crowley Mass
Friday, October 9, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Double Hitter Tomorrow.
Sacred Circle New Age Center
57B Brighton Ave. - Long Branch, NJ 07740
(732) 229-1119
Wednesday October 7th, 2009
7:00pm - 9:00pm
The five elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Spirit/Space are fundamental properties in both western alchemy and eastern mysticism. In this class Jason Miller draws upon his experience in both Tibetan Tantra and the Western Mystery Tradition to present a complete system of meditations, visualizations, and breath techniques related to the five elements that promote health, clarity, and expanded awareness.
At 9:20 pm EASTERN
I will be interviewed for one full hour by
David James, host of Psychic Wisdom with David James Radio Hour
Monday, October 5, 2009
Discounted copies of Protection and Reversal Magick
My Children have started a blog.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
More on RHP and LHP
- By defining LHP and RHP as how one relates to the passions in practice - I am not giving my opinion. That is what it is in Tantra, which is where, as far as I am aware, the terms come from. Its not about socizal acceptability because sex for instance is perfectly socially acceptable - its just not often thought of a sacred in the way that Chastity is. Chastity and sex Magick are both valid paths, but one is RHP and another is LHP. Any thoughts of LHP/RHP being self serving vs other serving, or socially acceptable vs. acceptable, or ego deifying vs seeking ego destruction stray very far from the real meaning.
- The fact that some people have issues with sex and alcohol are excellent reasons not to engage in LHP practices. Those practices were never meant for the mainstream and they are dangerous for a reason. However, the fact that some have problems, doesnt invalidate the LHP for those of us who don't. Leave me my sacred substances and sex. I dont need to push them on you, please dont push the opposite on me.
- As far as the up-coming class goes, the there will be a couple units devoted to sex magick. No homework however will be drawn from those lessons, so whether you actually put them to practice or not is up to you.
- Ultimately the dichotomy is abandoned when the adept is ready to deal with reality as such, neither renouncing nor transforming the passions, but this is an even more difficult route than LHP itself. It is like walking the razors edge - which is probably why I dig it.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Mystically speaking there are two ways of working - the Right hand path and the left hand path. By RHP and LHP I do not mean this nonsense about being an isolate intelligence vs seeking oblivion by re-absorption into the pleroma or some crap like that. That is a false choice.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Radio Interview with Yours Truly
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Christopher Warnock just let me know about this amazing deal he has going on his classes. The deadline however is tomorrow, so I thought I would help get the last-minute word out by posting about it here.
If you know of Chris's work, you will recognize what an amazing deal this is.
Here's the details from Chris himself:
We are moving in about a week and frankly I was surprised by how
expensive this move has been. I have several large repair bills due
in just a few days and I am scrambling around trying to pay them.
So my temporary cash flow problem is your OUTRAGEOUS educational
opportunity! For the next three days, since that's when the bills
are due, the next two students to register for the full Astrological
Magic Course get some incredible bonuses.
But before the special stuff, just consider the Astrological Magic
Course itself.
This is a complete course in all types of traditional astrology and
the creation of powerful, authentic talismans, including talismans of
the planets, the Mansions of the Moon, the decan/faces, the fixed
stars, talismans based on birth charts, full house talismans and more!
It comes with 14 lessons, homework, e-books, all on CD plus 4 free
paperback books and 4 free special astrological software programs.
This course includes free: the Planetary Magic, Mansions of the Moon
and Decan/Face Mini-Courses.
Traditional astrological magic is laid out for you in the course,
clearly, step by step. You don't need to know any astrology or magic
before starting the course, it's all there! I personally teach every
student, I correct all homework by hand and I am available to answer
any questions you might have on the current lesson you are working on.
Ok, sounds good, but what's the special bonus? Again, just for the
next three days, the next four students to register for the
Astrological Magic Course get all this amazing course material, books,
software, etc., and a FREE large gold plated silver Mercury talisman
or Divine Name talisman. Just take a look
Mercury is perfect for an Astrological Magic Course student as he
rules astrology and co-rules with Saturn, magic. He is also the ruler
of study! Personally I've been on a gold kick recently and these
talismans look great. Gold plated with Nigel's amazing image on the
front, plus the sigils, symbols and numbers of Mercury, Mercury table
on the back.
The Divine Name talisman is pure sterling silver, with the most
powerful name of God, the Tetragrammaton, in the Pythagorean tetractys
pyramid, right out of Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy!
And folks, these talismans go for $250, but for the first four
students to register for the Astrological Magic Course in the next
three days, this $250 talisman is FREE!
You'd think that was enough, but I'm really under the gun, so I'm
going to make this deal even better.. Those first two students to
register will get not only the incredible Astrological Magic Course
and the free gold plated Mercury talisman, but also a FREE copy of
Solar Fire astrological software. Normally over $300, you get a
review copy of this professional astrological software, fully
functional with an online manual, but lacking only tech support. Plus
you get my Solar Fire Traditional Page, that works with Solar Fire to
give you all the traditional chart info you need on one page.
So that's $550 worth of free stuff, the course is only $399.95 plus
shipping, I'm basically paying YOU $150!
But folks, time is money here and I just have to nail this, so I'm
going completely nuts and including a FREE copy of the Greer and
Warnock English translation of the Latin Picatrix Books I & II. This
is the ultimate grimoire of astrological magic, highly sought after,
intelligibly translated for practitioners for the first time. A
$54.95 value and again, FREE to the first two students to register for
the Astrological Magic Course in the next three days. Whoa! That's
like paying you $200 to take the course!
So let's recap, the first four students to register for the
Astrological Magic Course in the next three days, that's until
midnight Thursday, will get all of the amazing course material,
lessons, e-books, paperback books and software in the course, PLUS a
free $250 Mercury talisman, PLUS a free $300 copy of Solar Fire
astrological software, PLUS a free $54.95 copy of Picatrix Books I &
II. That's $600 of free stuff!!! And the Astrological Magic Course
itself is just $399.95 plus shipping.
You need to use the special order page for the amazing deal
Shipping is a little extra because I need to insure and ship the
talisman, outside the US this goes global express insured.
Obviously this deal is totally NUTS!!! If I wasn't under the hammer,
there no way I would be offering this much free stuff. This is not
going to happen again and if you were at all considering taking the
course you be nuts not to jump on this offer IMMEDIATELY. E-mail me
at to see whether the Mercury or
Divine Name talismans are still available, but you'd better act fast!
Once either the 4 talismans or the time limit is gone, this deal is
You need to use the special order page for the amazing deal
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hoodoo is a distinctly American form of Sorcery combining African, European, and Native American practices. In this all-day intensive, Jason Miller (Inominandum) will teach the history, theory, and practice of this potent tradition of magick. After a brief summary of Hoodoo overall, we will be going root by root, bone by bone, through the most widely used and potent curios of the tradition and providing spells for each of them. From the Three John Roots and Devil's Shoe Strings to
Gator Hands and Goofer Dust, you will learn to make mojo hands, baths, dress candles, lay tricks,
use powders, and all the famous methods of Rootwork old and modern. Special attention
will be paid to the way in which Hoodoo can work alone or alongside just about any religious
tradition. By the end of this class you will be able to use the formulas of old time to conjure
or create tricks of your own.
Offered on Sunday, September 27, 2009, this class will be held as an all-day intensive,
consisting of one two-hour session from 10-12pm, a lunch break (please bring your own),
followed by another two-hour session from 1-3pm.
Question-and-Answer period will follow the last session.
Tuition is $60 for both sessions only.
Jason Miller (Inominandum) has been studying and practicing magick for over 20 years. His studies have brought him all over the world, from the American South, to Europe, to the Himalayas. He is a member of several magickal orders and craft traditions as well as being an initiate
of the Nyingma and Bon lineages of Tibet.
His studies in Hoodoo began as a teenager in the Botanicas and Conjure shops of NJ and NY. More recently he increased his knowledge by graduating from Catherine Yronwode’s Hoodoo Rootwork Course. After the course he took a special interest in New Orleans-style conjure and made several
trips a year to study the magick unique to that city.
He is the author of Protection and Reversal Magick, A Defense Guide for Witches and the upcoming book The Sorcerers Secrets, Strategies in Practical Magick
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Things that are frickin awsome

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Beginning November 1st 2009
Before I even wrote my first book, people have been asking me to present a complete and graduated system of magic as I practice it. Because I have aimed to make my writings of service to the occult community at large, usable from the vantage point of almost any tradition, I have refrained from trying to present a systematic training system of my own,until now.
Though the most of the material in this class will be useful to people of just about any background, I will for the first time be presenting the precise steps that I feel are most important in magickal training.
Class will begin the first week of November 2009 and will consist of 52 lessons, which are intended to arrive via e-mail each week. Lessons will consist of a lecture, and a Q&A section from the previous lesson. There will be one homework assignment per month, but no time limit on when those need to be completed – you work at your own pace. The only requirements for the course are access to e-mail and a copy of “The Sorcerer’s Secrets, Strategies in Practical Magick”. There will be many other books that are recommended throughout the course, but this will be the only one that is required.Those that complete the class and the homework will be eligible for special classes and activities to take place in the future.
You can sign up any time during the first cycle of classes and receive all the past classes at once. During the first cycle of this class there may be delays in classes for no greater than one week. Thus the first cycle may take longer than a year to complete. The advantage of being in the first cycle is that you will have a greater opportunity to contribute to the final course.
Because the first students will inevitably be suffering from us getting the kinks out of the class, those that sign up for the first cycle will receive the course at a discounted rate of $100 – about the price of attending only four of my live classes. Prices will increase for future cycles of the class.
If you are interested in the class please send an e-mail to and put STRATEGIC SORCERY COURSE as the subject line. You will than be added to the list and given further instructions
Monday, September 14, 2009

Mystical Tymes
127 South Main Street New Hope, PA 18938
(215) 862-5629
September 15th 2009
7:00 pm – 9:00pm
The Naga Khang of Tibet, the Pwen of Haitian Vodou, The Goetia’s Brass Vessel, the Honden of Shinto, the Nganga of Palo Mayombe. The San Phra Phum of Thailand; all over the world human beings feel compelled to create physical places for non-physical beings to dwell within. The purpose is two fold: to give ourselves an easy way to relate to the spirits, and to give the spirits a greater foothold into our world so that their activities can achieve greater impact.
In this class Jason Miller will go over his methods for creating “Spirit Bottles” which can be put to almost any purpose. He will cover the types of spirits that can be housed, , how to attract spirits to the bottle, the various items that one might want to add to a spirit bottle, how to feed and communicate with the spirits, and more. Come explore the way in which traditional formula and artistic creativity come together in this exciting and potent type of Sorcery
The two pics here are of the first two spirit bottles that I ever made. Top is Dr John and bottom is Marie Laveau.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Colored and Shaped Candles.
Friday, September 11, 2009
An Ye Harm Some
Since this topic came up in both a "real conversation" and in the forums today I decided to spin this topic off of the "Where to begin thread". Black arrow wrote:
I do admit I have wondered regarding his and many other occult writers' warnings against any "harmful" use of magick due to karma reasons, threefold law, etc. In some cases, it seems somewhat counter-intuitive. To give a more mundane analogy, I have a pistol, and a concealed handgun permit. If I or my family was attacked, I would have no problem shooting the assailant. "Harmful" use of that pistol is not innately evil. What matters is the intent and the context involved.
The issue of wrathful magic and its fallout is a bit more complex than this I am afraid. There are really two factors at play: moral and technical considerations. Most sources treat the two as one, which is a mistake.
On the moral end, you are quite correct that it is intent that matters. Great good has come from wrathful action which is why in the Bodhisattva vows, Mahayana Buddhists vow to not refrain from wrathful action if compassion demands it. Any system that suggests good for good and bad for bad that doesn't take this into account is just sophomoric.
Real Karma as understood in the east takes intent into account, as well as the performance of the action, the fallout both intended and unintended, and finally the rejoicing or regret that follows. But all of these are not judged by some karmic panel, they are just factors in the cause and effect that is karma. This brings us to the technical side of the matter, but only a fully realized being can truly know the full extent of every action.
There are however less subtle technical aspects of wrathful magic that can be grasped. Whatever work you do surrounds you with energy that patterns itself after that work. This is why when doing wealth work for others, the operator often finds himself coming into a little bit of extra cash. There is also the matter of spirits employed, and in turn the spirits that those spirits employ. Even in the case of a cosmic goddess like Hekate or a realized guardian like Ekajati, there are retinues of spirits that follow them around which are not as easily controlled; Aoroi, Empusae, and so on in the case of Hekate and Mamo's in the case of Ekajati. Beings that do dirty work, regardless of intent, are still wrathful in nature and need a firm hand to control. This is why in hoodoo you take a Hyssop bath to rid yourself of any spirits that linger after harmful work, and why you generate as a wrathful yidam in Tantra to scare the crap out of any dregs-pa (wrathful beings) that attend your guardians.
The stronger the wrath, the more prevalent the problem. Dudjom Rinpoche wrote and article called "On the bad luck of the Nyingmapa" basically detailing the ways in which many of the beings that were subjugated and bound during the importation of Buddhism into Tibet have since caused various problems when not tended carefully.
An even more drastic example is the country of Haiti. The Congo spirits were already served in the country and are themselves pretty powerful for wrathful work. To facilitate the slave revolt however, a new nation of Loa were evolved from the Congo spirits - The Petro. With the help of these beings, the people of Haiti pulled off the only successful slave revolt in the western hemisphere. One they are no longer needed though, you still have to deal with them. Because many of these spirits are really really bloodthirsty, they tend to cause problems which can be seen in the history of Haiti ever since. The secret societies have evolved yet more Nations of Loa such as the Bizango nation to deal with some of the reprecussions of this.
An analogy would be like you making friends with the local gang in order to get their help to take out your enemy. After that is done, you are still friends with a gang and may find yourself dragged into several undesirable situations.
Basically, wrathful magick is not different than any other type of magick. Even if you do not believe in retribution for the morality of the act, which I do not, you still have to deal with the wrathful energy and spirits that you atttact during the rite. This is why in many African and Asian magickal systems the darker spirits are all served outside the home or at least on a separate altar.