Man I tell ya, every fall it seems like the Lovecraft/Cthulhu references start popping into my life in droves. Last Tuesday I had three in the same day, the last one was from one of my students asking if I was ever going to do my lecture on the Necronomicon. Given all the synchronicities I scheduled it for October at Mystical Tyme in New Hope. This is actually a two part lecture where I talk about the history of the Necronomicon phenomenon from the Lovecraft stories to the first publication of a Necronomicon out of Philadelphia from Owl Press, to the modern day and the scads of Necronomicons that have sprung up since. I also touch upon the "nightside of the tree" and how it is related. The second part of the lecture is actually a run down on Simons Necro and how to use it.
It hasnt stopped popping up though. Its suddenly dominating the discussion at Aaron Leitch's Solomonic list. Yesterday when I went into the temple, my 1st edition Simon Necronomicon was on my Hoodoo altar. I did not put it there, but I dawned on me that it would be perfect for a spell that I am starting tonight. I wonder if Don will remember me complaining that even back in high school, my cheap paperback Necronomicon would never stay where I put it. This happens a lot with that book, an with the Azoetia as well.
Just today a friend pointed this movie out. It apparently has Tori Spelling in it, who I have often suspected is actually a deep one. Its not even really a good disguise, you can practically see the gills and scales. I mean, even with her famous father, she would definately need the dark powers of the Necronomicon to keep getting work.
What's the spell that you're starting tonight, or can you tell us?
I would love to see a post regarding the dark side of the tree sometime.
Can't say. Its Client work, so its confidential.
I do recall the incredible wandering "blackest book the western world has ever know" for under $3... Burroughs considered it "a triumph of the human spirit", How could we not purchase a copy. I have had at least three people tel me that the book moved around on them, it never did for me; however, every time I need to find that book it seems to surface...
hmmm... I'm intrigued by the dark side of the tree. Given my isolation regarding systematic workings, I once toyed with the idea of meditating on a series of symbols that were supposed to be just that. I also had a predilection for Saturnine workings at that time. I'm not sure if that was a good thing, or a missed opportunity... My guess is that it couldn't be worse than working with Cthulhu.
I'm just not sure of the whats or whys of working with Cthulhu...
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