Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Course Begins
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Regarding Recent Interviews
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thelema Now Podcast
Saturday, October 24, 2009
One More Week to get in on the ground floor of the Course
Friday, October 23, 2009
Modern Goetic Grimoire - A Review
Often you expect something to be really good and it winds up sucking eggs. Sometimes you expect something to suck and it turns out better than expected. Occasionally you expect something to be really good and it actually meets those expectations. Rarely though, you expect something to be good and it completely beats the crap out of those expectations with a tire iron, leaving "good" in the dust and arriving at "Great".
I am happy to report that Frater Rufus Opus’s new Opus, The Modern Goetic Grimoire, is one of those rare times when great expectations were met and exceeded.
What I expected was basically what he delivered in the Modern Angelic Grimoire; a clear and concise guide to the classic ritual presented in the Grimoire, but given a modern spin and detailed info on how to pull off all the “arts and crafts” aspects of it. What I got was so much more.
The good Frater goes into deep territory here. Far from just a text about the part of the Lemegeton that is called Goetia, this book covers the art of Goety itself: not just demons, but spirits of the dead and spirits of place. He covers the essentials of the Lemegetons ritual, stresses the importance of the circle, and need for initiation, and than actually gives several techniques for using the spirits in magic, not just conjuring as per the evocation but using the seals in spells and exorcisms.
I think that the best part is that he re-drew everything for the book in his own hand, and rather than just re-post the descriptions of the spirits as given in the Grimoire, he summarizes them in his own words and shares his own insights and experiences. This kind of material is the stuff that makes a huge difference to the practicing mage.
If you have considered using the Goetia, are just curious, you need to make like Aaron Burr and drop a Hamilton over to Frater R.O. for this book.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Please keep your damn dieties out of my Tarot cards!

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Real Magic Gets Wacky.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Interview with Marla Brooks
I will be interviewed by Marla Brooks on her show Stirring the Cauldron
October 15, 2009
9:00 pm EASTERN
Show website:
Monday, October 12, 2009
Crowley Mass
Friday, October 9, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Double Hitter Tomorrow.
Sacred Circle New Age Center
57B Brighton Ave. - Long Branch, NJ 07740
(732) 229-1119
Wednesday October 7th, 2009
7:00pm - 9:00pm
The five elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Spirit/Space are fundamental properties in both western alchemy and eastern mysticism. In this class Jason Miller draws upon his experience in both Tibetan Tantra and the Western Mystery Tradition to present a complete system of meditations, visualizations, and breath techniques related to the five elements that promote health, clarity, and expanded awareness.
At 9:20 pm EASTERN
I will be interviewed for one full hour by
David James, host of Psychic Wisdom with David James Radio Hour
Monday, October 5, 2009
Discounted copies of Protection and Reversal Magick

My Children have started a blog.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
More on RHP and LHP
- By defining LHP and RHP as how one relates to the passions in practice - I am not giving my opinion. That is what it is in Tantra, which is where, as far as I am aware, the terms come from. Its not about socizal acceptability because sex for instance is perfectly socially acceptable - its just not often thought of a sacred in the way that Chastity is. Chastity and sex Magick are both valid paths, but one is RHP and another is LHP. Any thoughts of LHP/RHP being self serving vs other serving, or socially acceptable vs. acceptable, or ego deifying vs seeking ego destruction stray very far from the real meaning.
- The fact that some people have issues with sex and alcohol are excellent reasons not to engage in LHP practices. Those practices were never meant for the mainstream and they are dangerous for a reason. However, the fact that some have problems, doesnt invalidate the LHP for those of us who don't. Leave me my sacred substances and sex. I dont need to push them on you, please dont push the opposite on me.
- As far as the up-coming class goes, the there will be a couple units devoted to sex magick. No homework however will be drawn from those lessons, so whether you actually put them to practice or not is up to you.
- Ultimately the dichotomy is abandoned when the adept is ready to deal with reality as such, neither renouncing nor transforming the passions, but this is an even more difficult route than LHP itself. It is like walking the razors edge - which is probably why I dig it.
Friday, October 2, 2009

Mystically speaking there are two ways of working - the Right hand path and the left hand path. By RHP and LHP I do not mean this nonsense about being an isolate intelligence vs seeking oblivion by re-absorption into the pleroma or some crap like that. That is a false choice.