Saturday, April 10, 2010


Since this blog is called "Strategic Sorcery" I think its only fitting that I pay a little homage to the guy that has been representing himself as a working Sorcerer long before I was. I am speaking of course about Moloch.

I have been a fan of Moloch and IGOS since my teens. I did not have them in mind specifically when I started referring to myself as a Sorcerer rather than a magician or witch, but it would be silly to think that his work was not in the back of my mind somewhere.

Another thing that I like about him is the picture he uses for himself, shown above, is the same as a poster that mom bought for me when I was 17.

He seems to be emerging from a long period of reduced public activity while he was getting his training as a Houngan Asogwe, and is now popping up again. Below are just some of the links that intersect with his world:

Mainn website that offers his books and services.

Should be self explanatory


FB group for discussing Sorcery


Anonymous said...

Ever hear of an IGOS book called something like Daecomonies? I'm looking for information on it, including the correct spelling of the name and the name of the author.

Astrophel said...

Hehe, I was wondering if you knew of his existence, since you both identify as sorcerers. :) It's cute to see you linking to him; you're both a huge influence on me.