Wednesday, April 14, 2010



From 10am to 4pm

"It has been said that money is the root of all evil. In my experience it is the lack of money that is the root of a lot more suffering than money itself.

Some claim that spiritual people should be beyond money. The problem is that unless you are a monk or a homeless yogi, you really cannot avoid it.

Some teachers promise to present teachings on wealth magic, only to avoid the topic of money entirely, claiming that wealth is better measured more in friends and health than in currency.

I agree that there is more to life than money, and I agree that many people can wind up enslaved to materialism, but if you can't avoid money and you can't serve money, then the only choice is for you to master it!

In this full-day intensive, Jason Miller will share secrets of financial sorcery that actually work. Every witch and magician know a few good money drawing spells, but few really know how to build wealth using magic while maintaining their spiritual life.

Learn how people have successfully used magic to:
· Get out of debt;
· Find work;
· Find secondary sources of income;
· Get promoted;
· Build assets;
· Escape the need for a 9-5 job entirely.

Never mind the positive-think fairy fluff of The Secret and other wish games, learn how to really take control of your money and make money your slave rather than your master.

Offered on Sunday, April 18, 2010, this class will be held as an all-day intensive,
consisting of one two-hour session from 10-12pm, a lunch break (please bring your own),
followed by another two-hour session from 1-3pm. Question-and-Answer period will follow the last session. Tuition is $60 for both sessions only.


Mr. J. said...

Can we get our own gem vomiting mongoose?

Rufus Opus said...

Dude, I want to take your course after reading that!

Lavanah said...

My very own pet peeve-the phrase is "the LOVE of money is the root of evil" not the money, itself. (although, if we can convince a peeve to vomit gemstones, I'll share it with Jow).

We will see you on Sunday-should I bring the same kind of cookies?

Theo Huffman said...

OK. I can handle the fact that you've traveled, like, freakin' everywhere and have learned all sorts of cool magical stuff from really awesome people. And it's OK that you have written two books that people rave about and are doing a better job of marketing yourself as a magic instructor than anyone I've seen.

BUT!!! That people actually bring you cookies when they come to your workshops... now I'm officially jealous!

Jason Miller, said...

RO: You are always welcome to the course, and if you want to come to the class I would love to have you there as well. However Butler is FAR and I hope to give the same class in Dover DE in coming months, so that might be better.

LAVANAH: whatever kind of cookies you bring will be most welcome. I am not a huge raisin fan, but other than that I have never met a cookie that I did not like.

SCRIBBLER: You are too kind with your praise. I actually need to get way more on the ball with marketing than I am. I have a dozen things that I have not acted on yet.

Lavanah said...

raisins=zombie grapes. So therefor, not appropriate for this workshop in any case!