Monday, February 2, 2009


If you are looking for some blogs to follow, I have recently added a few to my list over on the right side of this page. 

So if you are looking for a good read check out: 

SUBJECT TO CHANGE: This is the blog of my oldest magickal compatriot. When I was cobbling together a practice at the age of 15 from photocopied Tarot cards, a used copy of The Magus, trips to the Conjure Shop in Lakewood, and advice from a certain school teacher who knew a lot more than she was letting on at the time; he was right there at my side. I am happy to be back in touch with him both virtually and in meatspace. 

GOING QBALLISTIC: A brand new blog but a bloke that has sent me some insightful e-mails over the past few weeks. He seems a bit shy, and I hope he doesnt mind me posting a link here. He is thinking about making his blog private, which would be a shame. Go show him some love. He gets points for the title of his blog alone. 

AUGOEIDES: He is a Thelemite and his page is bright pink, but I won't hold either of those against him. He is making a lot of good posts sparked by news events and has offered some good comments here at Strategic Sorcery. 

GIVING NOTICE NOW: Not about Magick, this a blog about mindfulness and using Sutric Buddhist principals for better living. Jenn is a close friend of mine and I am delighted by her efforts. She is a total non-magician/occultist so don't comment with any magick jargon or she won't know what the heck you are talking about. 


Scott Stenwick said...

Thanks, Jason. I appreciate the recommendation and I like your blog very much as well.

As for the pink, well, does every magick blog have to have a black or very dark blue background?


corvusbrachyrhynchos said...

Oh man... Now I have to try to be a bit more serious. or at least write more than for myself.